Paying Yelp will NOT improve star ratings

Paying Yelp will NOT improve star ratings

Paying Yelp will NOT improve star ratings

if you are a restaurant or bar owner, sooner or later you will get the call from Yelp asking to advertise with them.  They offer several options including wifi marketing and call to action buttons.  One of their main...
7 Restaurant Marketing Ideas | How to Market a Restaurant

7 Restaurant Marketing Ideas – How to Market a Restaurant

7 Restaurant Marketing Ideas - How to Market a Restaurant

Here are 7 Restaurant Marketing Ideas & How to Market a Restaurant that you probably haven't heard before.  These aren't the same copied/ pasted tips or tricks you've seen online recently.  This is real data from real...
The best controllable way to bring in NEW customers

The best controllable way to bring in NEW customers

The best controllable way to bring in NEW customers

Believe it or not social media comprises about 4% of the NEW FACES walking through your door! If you think social media is the best way to bring in NEW customers into your bar or restaurant you need...