Bar Marketing Basics

Restaurant Reputation & Review management

How to Repair Your Restaurant’s Reputation

In the competitive world of restaurant and bar marketing, how to repair your restaurant’s reputation has never been more crucial. According to Erik Shellenberger, a reputation management expert from Los Angeles, California, your business's online reviews can directly impact whether a potential customer chooses to...
Your marketing is only as good as it's message

Your marketing is only as good as it’s message

Your marketing is only as good as it's message

Your marketing is only as good as it's message.  All of the impressive sounding numbers and data collection can't help your business if your content sucks.  Again this sounds like common sense but most content I see...
Know your marketing Numbers

Don’t guess, know your marketing number and redemptions

Don't guess, know your marketing number and redemptions

If your bar or restaurant isn't tracking marketing numbers, especially redemptions, you are missing the boat.  Any marketing "expert" can tell you about impressive numbers when it comes to impressions (which is another name for the number of...