Add selfies to your bar’s tv screens
Upshow – Easily allow your customers to add their selfies to your bar’s tv screens. Upshow allows you to post your flyers for upcoming events to your bar or restaurant’s tv screens. By adding a simple hashtag, your customers can see their pictures posted on their social media accounts on your screens. Take advantage of your hashtag (#yourrestaurant) being used by your customers and posted to their walls to grow exposure online.
Upshow is $100ish bucks a month if I remember correctly, I wish they would publish this on their website, it’s a bit annoying that you have to fill out a form in order to get the pricing. I get it that they want to call you and close you but they’re cheap enough that this shouldn’t be necessary. Just s thought.
TIP: They have to set everything up over the phone so have your Amazon Fire Stick plugged in and running before calling them. This also works on other platforms including my Samsung tablet apparently I’m just not sure which platforms are included and which ones aren’t.
There are several platforms that allow you to post flyers on your tv screens including Enplug which also has the capability of posting customer selfies. I’ve used Enplug for years and it definitely has its advantages and disadvantages. It also has the capability of pulling in your social media posts to your screens.
One of the features I wish these guys would include is an expiration date on these social media posts. A flyer of an event that happened a week ago or so will still appear on the screens so far. Great idea but tv’s don’t think like social media feeds do. More on posting flyers to your bar or restaurant tv screens here.