Don’t guess, know your marketing number and redemptions
If your bar or restaurant isn’t tracking marketing numbers, especially redemptions, you are missing the boat. Any marketing “expert” can tell you about impressive numbers when it comes to impressions (which is another name for the number of people who see your marketing message online). It is up to you, the restaurant management, to measure how many people actually walk in the door as a direct result of your marketing efforts.
Redemption is as easy as a POS button
Simply add a button in your POS system that will allow the servers to enter your call to action every time a customer mentions your offer. This ending number is CRITICAL to determining whether your marketing dollar is being put to good use. This final step is almost NEVER used! It takes a few minutes to enter this into almost any POS system yet the average manager does not, will not, take this step for some reason. If you are reading this you are probably the owner or the one making the decisions about your business. This should be mandatory with every single campaign. Your servers have to be (for lack of a better word) FORCED to do this. If they are entering a redemption as a misc comp then YOU are losing money.
This should not be optional for the staff
When a restaurant or bar knows EXACTLY how many dollars were spent on a campaign vs how much was spent on it, there is no longer a guessing game played when it comes down to which efforts are working and which ones can go. If you are getting pitched a marketing product that cannot be measured, do NOT get on board. At least don’t spend money on efforts like this. Take all the free marketing you can get. If this all sounds familiar, I did another video blog on this subject that can be found here.